How Do I Grill Corn On The Cob?

Grilling corn on the cob is a delightful way to enhance its natural sweetness and bring out those smoky, charred flavors that we all crave. Whether you’re a seasoned grill master or a novice backyard chef, this article is here to guide you through the process step by step. From prepping the corn to achieving that perfect tenderness and mouthwatering taste, you’ll soon be confidently grilling corn on the cob like a pro. So grab your tongs, fire up the grill, and get ready to enjoy one of summer’s most beloved treats in all its delicious glory. Grilling corn on the cob is a delicious and popular option during the summer months. The natural sweetness of the corn is enhanced by the smoky flavor from the grill, making it a perfect addition to your outdoor cooking repertoire. In this article, we will guide you through the process of grilling corn on the cob, from preparation to serving and enjoying. So get ready to fire up your grill and start enjoying this classic summer favorite!

How Do I Grill Corn On The Cob?

Discover more about the How Do I Grill Corn On The Cob?.


Selecting the Corn

When selecting corn for grilling, it’s important to choose ears that are fresh and have plump kernels. Look for husks that are bright green and tightly wrapped around the corn. Avoid corn with dried or browned husks, as this could indicate older, less flavorful corn. Additionally, the silk strands should be light and moist, not dry or withered. By picking the freshest corn, you’ll ensure a more delicious and flavorful grilling experience.

Shucking the Corn

Before grilling, you’ll need to remove the husks and silk from the corn. Start by peeling back the outer husks, but be sure to leave them attached at the base of the ear. Once you have exposed the kernels, remove the silk strands by hand or by using a soft brush. It’s important to remove all the silk to avoid it burning during grilling and leaving a charred taste. Once the husks are removed and the silk is cleared away, your corn is ready for the next step.

Soaking the Corn

Soaking the corn in water before grilling helps to ensure that it remains moist and tender while cooking. Fill a large container or sink with cold water and place the shucked corn inside, making sure it is fully submerged. Let the corn soak for at least 15 minutes, but up to an hour if you have the time. Soaking the corn allows the moisture to penetrate the kernels and prevents them from drying out during grilling.

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Seasoning Options

Butter and Salt

A classic and simple way to season grilled corn is with just butter and salt. Once the corn is grilled to perfection, remove it from the heat and generously slather it with softened butter. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt to enhance the natural flavors of the corn. The butter adds richness and indulgence, while the salt brings out the sweetness of the kernels. It’s a winning combination that will never disappoint.

Herbed Butter

For those looking to add some extra flavor to their grilled corn, herbed butter is a fantastic option. Simply mix softened butter with your favorite herbs and seasonings. Popular choices include garlic, parsley, basil, or even a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese. Once the corn is grilled to your liking, spread the herbed butter on the warm ears of corn, allowing the flavors to melt and meld together. This is a great way to elevate the flavor profile of your grilled corn and impress your guests with minimal effort.

Spicy Seasonings

If you prefer a little heat in your grilled corn, consider using spicy seasonings. Popular options include chili powder, cayenne pepper, or even a sprinkle of hot sauce. Mix the desired spices together and sprinkle them on the corn once it’s grilled. The smoky char from the grill combined with the spicy kick will create a mouthwatering and memorable flavor experience. Adjust the amount of spices according to your preference and enjoy the bold and fiery flavors of spicy grilled corn.

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Grilling Methods

Direct Grilling

Direct grilling is the most common method for grilling corn on the cob. It involves cooking the corn directly over the heat source. Preheat your grill to medium-high heat and place the corn directly on the grates. Turn the corn occasionally to ensure even cooking and prevent it from charring too much in one spot. Direct grilling is a quick and efficient method that results in a beautifully charred exterior and tender kernels. It takes about 10-15 minutes to grill the corn to perfection using this method.

Indirect Grilling

For a slightly slower and more gentle cooking method, indirect grilling is an excellent option. This method involves placing the corn away from the direct heat source, typically using a two-zone setup on a charcoal or gas grill. Preheat one side of the grill to medium-high heat and leave the other side off or set to low heat. Place the corn on the cooler side of the grill and close the lid. This allows the corn to cook slowly and evenly without the risk of charring. Indirect grilling takes a bit longer than direct grilling, usually around 15-20 minutes, but it results in corn that is incredibly tender and evenly cooked.

Grilling in Foil

Grilling corn in foil is a popular method for those who prefer a more steamed texture. This method involves wrapping the shucked corn in aluminum foil before grilling. To prepare the foil packets, tear off a sheet of aluminum foil large enough to fully enclose the corn. Place the corn in the center, add any desired seasonings or butter, then tightly wrap the foil around the corn, ensuring there are no gaps or openings. Place the foil packet directly on the grill grates and cook for about 15-20 minutes. Grilling in foil keeps the moisture trapped, resulting in corn that is tender, juicy, and full of flavor.

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Grilling Tips

Oil the Grill Grates

Before grilling the corn, it’s essential to oil the grill grates to prevent sticking. Use a pair of tongs to hold a folded paper towel soaked in vegetable oil. Rub the paper towel along the grates, creating a non-stick surface for the corn to cook on. This simple step ensures that the corn comes off the grill easily and leaves behind attractive grill marks.

Avoid Overcooking

To achieve perfect grilled corn, it’s crucial to avoid overcooking. Pay close attention to the grilling time and adjust accordingly. Overcooked corn will become mushy and lose its natural sweetness. The kernels should be tender and juicy, but not overly soft. Keep a close eye on the cooking process and remove the corn from the grill once it reaches your desired level of doneness.

Rotate Corn Occasionally

When grilling corn, it’s essential to rotate the ears occasionally to ensure even cooking. Use a pair of long-handled tongs to turn the corn, making sure each side gets exposure to the heat. This will help to prevent any excess charring or burning on one side and ensure that the corn cooks evenly throughout.

Basting with Sauce or Butter

For an extra burst of flavor, consider basting the corn with a sauce or melted butter during grilling. This can be done towards the end of the cooking process by brushing the corn with your desired sauce or butter mixture. The heat from the grill will cause the flavors to infuse into the corn, adding an additional layer of deliciousness. Experiment with different sauces and butters to create unique flavor combinations that will elevate your grilled corn to the next level.

How Do I Grill Corn On The Cob?

Testing for Doneness

Visual Inspection

One way to determine if the corn is done grilling is through visual inspection. The kernels should appear plump and tender with a light char on the exterior. Avoid any kernels that look shriveled or overly charred. The color of the kernels should be vibrant and golden. Use your eyes as a guide to assess the doneness of the corn.

Poke Test

Another way to test for doneness is by using the poke test. Take a sharp knife or a toothpick and insert it into a kernel. If the kernel offers some resistance and feels firm, the corn needs more time on the grill. However, if the knife or toothpick easily slides into the kernel, the corn is cooked and ready to be enjoyed. The poke test is a reliable method for determining the tenderness of grilled corn.

Serving and Enjoying

Removing from the Grill

Once the corn is grilled to perfection, it’s time to remove it from the heat. Use a pair of tongs to carefully lift the corn off the grill grates and transfer it to a serving platter or individual plates. Be cautious as the corn will be hot, so it’s best to use heat-resistant gloves or mitts to protect your hands. It’s also a good idea to place the corn on a heatproof mat or trivet to protect your table or countertop from any residual heat.

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Garnishing Options

When it comes to garnishing grilled corn, the options are endless. Some popular choices include sprinkling fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley over the corn for a burst of freshness. Crumbled cheese, such as feta or cotija, adds a tangy and salty element. Squeezing a wedge of lime or lemon over the corn adds a citrusy zing. Feel free to get creative and experiment with different garnishes to personalize your grilled corn.

Serving Suggestions

Grilled corn on the cob is incredibly versatile and can be served in various ways. It can be enjoyed as a side dish alongside grilled meats or as the star of the show at a summer cookout. You can leave the corn on the cob for a rustic presentation, or remove the kernels and incorporate them into salads, salsas, or even as a topping for pizzas or tacos. Grilled corn also pairs well with other seasonal vegetables, so consider serving it alongside grilled zucchini, bell peppers, or asparagus for a vibrant and flavorful summer feast.

How Do I Grill Corn On The Cob?

Leftover Corn


If you find yourself with leftover grilled corn, it’s important to store it properly to maintain its flavor and quality. Let the grilled corn cool to room temperature, then place it in an airtight container or wrap it tightly in plastic wrap. Store it in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. It’s important to note that the texture of the corn may change slightly after being refrigerated, but it can still be enjoyed as a tasty leftover snack or added to other dishes.


When it comes to reheating grilled corn, there are a few methods you can choose from. One option is to reheat it on the grill by placing the corn directly on the grates over medium heat. Turn the corn occasionally until it’s heated through. Another option is to reheat it in the oven by placing the corn on a baking sheet and baking at 350°F (175°C) for about 10-12 minutes, or until warmed to your liking. Alternatively, you can microwave the corn by placing it on a microwave-safe plate and heating in 30-second intervals until warmed through. Whichever method you choose, be sure to keep a close eye on the corn to prevent overcooking.

With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge and techniques to grill corn on the cob like a pro. From selecting the freshest corn to experimenting with different seasoning options and grilling methods, you can create delicious and memorable grilled corn that will be the highlight of your summer gatherings. So roll up your sleeves, fire up the grill, and get ready to enjoy the smoky, sweet, and savory flavors of perfectly grilled corn on the cob. Happy grilling!

Learn more about the How Do I Grill Corn On The Cob? here.